Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Southwest Public Radio | SWPR a nonprofit organization?

Not at this time. Southwest Public Radio | SWPR is currently in the process of being incorporated as a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization.

How much of Southwest Public Radio | SWPR ‘s budget goes to pay for programs?

Following our initial estimates, we expect that between 85 and 90 cents of every dollar in the planned operating budget goes toward programming (which includes creating and buying programs, and broadcasting them).

Does Southwest Public Radio | SWPR receive tax-payer support?

No. At this time, Southwest Public Radio | SWPR does not receive state or federal tax dollars for support. However, following the start of our broadcast operations in Arizona, we will apply for funding.

How much money does Southwest Pubic Radio | SWPR need to do business?

Based on initial calculations, Southwest Public Radio | SWPR needs approximately 1.5 million dollars to establish operations. The organization is expected to need an annual budget of 1.1 million dollar to operate the broadcasting (on air) network and 3 additional online/internet based networks.

Is my donation to Southwest Public Radio | SWPR tax-deductible?

Not at this time. Southwest Public Radio | SWPR is in the process to be registered as a 501(c)(3) organization. Following the acceptance by the state and federal authorities donations may become tax-deductible.

Does Southwest Public Radio | SWPR plan to have pledge drives?

Yes. Following the establishment as a 501(c)3 organization pledge drives will be organized. Pledge drives are the most effective and efficient way to explain how we’re funded and ask for support. We expect that listeners will be our single-largest source of funding for great programs! And this listener support is a key reason why we will be able to maintain editorial independence. Pledge drives are also an effective way to ask people to become establishes sustainers or increase their current sustaining gift. Established sustainers are increasingly important to the long-term reliability of our funding. In addition, pledge drives are a great way to ask those who haven’t donated for a few years to rejoin, and where a great number of people choose to renew their annual support or make additional donations.

Does Southwest Public Radio | SWPR receive tax-payer support?

No. At this time, Southwest Public Radio | SWPR does not receive state or federal tax dollars for support. However, following the start of our broadcast operations in Arizona, we will apply for funding.

How many pledge drives do you have each year?

Following the start of our programming, we expect to organize up to four pledge drives each year to raise a significant portion of the funds that create our programs.

How do you expect to schedule pledge drives?

A lot of thought goes into planning pledge drives so that they are as successful, efficient and enjoyable as possible. The main considerations for scheduling pledge drives are:

  • Timing of charitable giving patterns throughout the year (the peak giving season is October-May)
  • Timing of other campaigns
  • Holidays, elections or other big events
  • Successful pledging days

How do you decide how long pledge drives should be?

The number of pledge days is determined by our budgetary needs. Most public radio stations and networks, including Southwest Public Radio | SWPR, need approximately 27 pledge drive days a year for optimum financial health.

How do you decide how much time to spend talking in a pledge drive?

Southwest Public Radio | SWPR will follow the broadcast industry standard in public radio, which say that about 15 – 20 minutes per hour is the most effective amount of time to spend making these requests. We do spend a little more or a little less time based on timings within each individual program.

Do you have a pledge-free stream available for current members?

Yes. Following the start of our regular programming, we’ll create an online pledge-free stream that is mostly Southwest Public Radio | SWPR‘s programming.

Aside from pledge drives, how else do you raise money from listeners?

Following the start of our regular programming, we’ll start campaigns to raise significant funds through mail (renewals, sweepstakes, end of calendar year, other special mailings, and acquisitions mail). We also ask for support via email, on-air promotions, and tile ads.