Starting in the fall of 2018, veteran journalists Martin Shelby, Peter Hofland and Sonia Portillo report on the latest developments across the sciences. Each week they interview scientists, describe their work, and share in the excitement these scientists feel for their research projects.

Shelby, Hofland and Portillo and their experienced guests discuss the rise of the semiconductor in everyday use from the transistor radio to supercomputer.They discuss how electricity has been known for several hundred years, but how it was only in the early twentieth century that physicists first satisfactorily explained the phenomenon.
In investigating electrical conduction scientists discovered two new classes of material. Semiconductors, first exploited commercially in the 1950s, have given us the transistor, the solar cell and the silicon chip, and have revolutionized telecommunications.
And superconductors, remarkable materials first observed in 1911, are used in medical imaging and at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland.
In Solid State Martin Shelby, Peter Hofland and Sonia Portillo explore what’s happening in semiconductor electronics and just where it might lead. They’ll talk with industry leaders and visionaries and discuss the future of electronic devices: how artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to impacts health and medicine, automotive electronics, biotechnology, smart manufacturing and the Internet of Things (IoT).
In their weekly program they’ll also cover major national and international industry events and review how creativity, innovation, and ingenuity helps in the ‘delivery of tomorrow‘.
How to join as a guest
Being a guest on Solid State helps brand you as an expert, increase your awareness, establishes you as a thought leader, educates people and promotes your business. It is relatively easy to do. As a guest you’ll be discussing your area of expertise. It is not difficult to set up. If you’re interested, contact the editorial team. Interviews can be in person or remotely over the phone. There are no costs associated with being a guest in Solid State.
Production team
Solid State is produced by Martin Shelby, Peter Hofland and Sonia Portillo, Evan Wendt and David Caylor and distributed via PRX | Public Radio Exchange and other public radio networks in the United States and around the world by InPress Media Group, LLC.
Next Steps…
Solid State is made possible by funding from listeners to public radio and select underwriters.
For more information about underwriting or sponsoring Solid State, please contact Shaun Mehr at Sunvalley Communication or click here for more info.