Gifts of Stock

Giving stock held more than 12 months offers a two-fold tax savings. First, you avoid paying capital-gains tax on the increase in value of your stock. In addition, you receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift. Subtracting the tax savings from what you originally paid for the stock can result in a gift that costs just pennies on the dollar. A gift of stock also brings with it membership of Southwest Public Radio | SWPR with membership benefit levels corresponding to the amount of the gift.

How to give stock to Southwest Public Radio | SWPR?

Financial institutions require delivery instructions in writing. To make a gift to Southwest Public Radio | SWPR, you will need to provide this information to your broker:

Name of Donee:

Southwest Public Radio | SWPR
4960 S. Gilbert Road, Suite 1-286
Chandler, AZ 85249

Tax ID Number:


Phone Number:


Financial Institution:

Trading Company

Account Number:


DTC Number:


To ensure your gift is credited to your account, please e-mail us at accounting team. Please include your name, address, phone and the name/number of shares that you are transferring.

If you have any questions, please contact xxx, Director of Finance & Operations, at 000-000-0000.

If you are transferring a mutual fund asset, please contact Southwest Public Radio | SWPR BEFORE initiating the transaction. Mutual funds require special handling.

Please consult with your tax advisors to determine how, specifically, the charitable deduction will work for your unique tax situation.

Giving Stock – FAQ

Q: What are the benefits of giving stock?
A: You receive gift credit and, depending on your specific tax situation, you may receive an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer, no matter what you originally paid for them. You pay no capital gains tax on the securities you donate.

Q: Securities fluctuate in price. How will my stocks be valued?
A: We will issue an acknowledgement letter indicating the high and low prices for the security on the date of its transfer to us. Your tax advisor will use this information to determine the value of the donation.

If the stock you donate is held by your broker, the gift date is the day the stock reaches our account.

Q: Is it difficult to transfer securities?
A: Not at all, and we can help you through every step of the process.

Q: Shouldn’t I just sell the stock first and contribute the proceeds to Southwest Public Radio | SWPR?
A: Even though you will receive a deduction, you will pay capital gains tax on the sale, eliminating a key tax benefit of your gift.

Q: Can I contribute stocks that have declined in value?
A: The fair-market value deduction rule works against you: if you bought the stock for $ 50,000 and it’s now worth $ 30,000, your charitable deduction will be limited to $ 30,000. You won’t be able to claim a capital loss by making the transfer to us, either. Instead, you are better off to sell the depreciated stock, claim the resulting tax loss as a deduction, then make a deductible cash gift to Southwest Public Radio | SWPR with the proceeds of that sale.